Our Story

My name is Nico, I'm the founder and sole proprietor of Goliath Bats. Here's a backstory so you can get to know me a little and understand why I started Goliath:

I was born an hour outside of Boston, MA into a very large extended family. I was adopted almost immediately after birth (for good reason) and was raised by one of my Aunts until l was 17 where I moved out on my own. At 10 we moved to Arizona where I spent the rest of my childhood. As a youth growing up in poverty I went though very confusing and unfortunate seasons while associating with less than noble characters. It's fair to say I wouldn't want my two sons hanging out with me! 
Looking back there was some light in my youth and baseball was one of them. Baseball gave me the structure I desperately needed. My coach was like the father I never had and my teammates were like my brothers - we looked out for each other and held each other accountable. It taught me discipline, perseverance, and determination. It showed me the beauty of failure and fulfillment of victory. It truly is the greatest sport isn't it?
After getting married and having our first son - a promotion brought us to Texas where Trey started playing baseball at 3 years old. Traveling for work I became an absent father. At 7 years old Trey said to me one Sunday night as I was packing for a morning flight "Do you have to leave us dad? I don't like when you leave us... " In 2019 Goliath was born.
Goliath isn't about the strength, durability, or power of the bat (although these things are true). We all face Goliaths; whether that's a 98mph fastball, the league leader in HRs, stress, depression, drug abuse, alcoholism, suicidal thoughts... the list goes on. We're human and life is hard - Goliath is about rising up and defeating your Goliaths.
My goal is to use Goliath and baseball as a vehicle to mentor youth like myself. To be able to surround them with the love and support they may not have but need. To be able to get these athletes on the field with coaches who care about players both on and off the field. Beyond baseball, life.